Think of yourself locked away in a dark cage, sleeping on metal crates. The air is thin and cold with the smell of chemicals. You have no control over your life. You do not get the choice to eat what you want, have a normal life, have children, a soul mate, or how to spend your time. Every time someone walks back you shake in pain, closing your eyes wishing it was not you. Then you are taken away either to be tortured with pain or left to die. Millions of animals are forced to live their life like that. Speak up and support banning animal testing. If you do not want to live a life like this, neither do animals.

All countries have wasted millions of money and lives just to perform a experiment that can be done a safer way. It is shocking to hear that, about 50-100 million animals that are dying each week from animal testing. Animals are tested on cleaning products, soap, shampoos, lotion, make up, house hold products, and just for intriguing experiments. Animals are suffering day by day by the fear and pain that scientist hold on them. In the lavatories animals are treated with cruelty. There are less expensive ways to test chemical products that do not harm living animals. You would think since it is less expensive, why not do it? But companies relay on their results with animals and refuse to change their ways.
There are thousands of animal testing organizations that are against it. Join an organization and help protect animal lives!
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Animal Rights Conference 2001
Last Chance For Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
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