Every day, millions of people are saved from death and diseases by medical drugs. Medicine is a gift to humans that would not be possible without the use of animal testing. In an article I have read about, a young boy's life that had been saved, by a series of animal testing. "
A Young boy, Johnny Auquilino, was born without the left ventricle of his heart, the major pumping chamber. His life was saved by a series of new techniques first developed on animals. Animal research will be involved in the search for a cure for the most deadly diseases." For those who use animal testing, think that is less inhumane to test on animals than it is to test new drugs on children or adults. It is easier to test new drugs on animals because it is easier to bread. Unlike humans, it would take much longer to see potential effects, because of the great length of time we live compared to animals. The more animals they have the more experiments and tries a scientist has and the more people are saved.
Despite these overwhelming benefits, however, some people are calling for animal testing to be banned because of alleged cruelty.

However in recent years, animal testing has been attacked. Many humans claim that animals have an equal right as humans. By reaching out to try and stop animal testing, people have reached some associations that are willing to revise their animal testing. The American Heart Association is cautious about how they treat the animals during testing. There are a set of laws within this association when it comes to funded experiments. The animals are required to be handled responsibly and humanly. Before any of these associations are being approved for testing the researched must follow:
- they have looked at alternative methods to using animals;
- their research cannot be successfully conducted without the use of animals;
- their experiments are designed to produce needed results and information.
By making a compromise between pro animal testing and non animal testing, it has come along as a better satisfactory. A satisfactory between
humans being able to have their life saved and animals not having to go through cruelty. With organizations that are handling animals responsively, it has identified and supported the policies that are appropriate use for animals in biomedical research.