Sunday, April 3, 2011

Government Founding Tax Payments Towards Animal Testing

Everyone has used a type of medication, whether it was Advil or severe medical medications. Doctors prescribe pills and medicine to help the patient ease pain and become healthier. The drugs and medicine go through tons of processes to make sure that the drug will cure a specific cause. Us, patients, trust our doctors and the over the counter medicines, because we are told that it is safe and will cure us. The medicines are safe and non-harmful to humans because of testing medicine on animals first.  Multiple universities and hospitals also imprison millions of animals to use in their experiments. The animals that are kept in hospitals are used for painful, deadly medical training exercises and curiosity-driven experiments.

Millions of hospitals and universities perform animal testing, to be able to make sure medications are safe. The government is allowing the hospital to do this by the fund of tax dollars and health charities. 

The government allows companies and especially hospitals to use animal testing for our use of using safe products. The government tests kill more than 2,000 animals every time they are conducted. But the government does not know that a single one of the animal test has been proven to be formally relevant to predict human health effects. Although this statement proves that the government is pro animal testing, "Government regulations still require chemical manufacturers to squirt burning chemicals into rabbits' eyes and onto their shaved skin."

All the medication that people are buying are tested on animals. The government relies on the animal testing to prove that it is making it safe for us, but it really is not. The taxes that you pay for towards health charities are really going towards animal does that make you feel?

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